Friday, January 13, 2012

Last Semester Of High School

I just finished my last set of high school exams. I didn't think i would care because I am a "second semester senior" but I realized it doesn't matter to me where I am in my life, I don't like to fail. In the last year I have become nerdier than ever. I do my homework and try to study, but I still procrastinate a lot. So on one hand I am glad that my exams are over, but on another level I want to go back and do them all over again. I thought I would be okay with failing, because I was already in college. But just because I know my next adventure in life hasn't changed who I am. I am still a nerd. This next semester will be very interesting, and I'm not sure if I will be able to accomplish everything to the extent that I want to. But, I will try. This past semester has taught me that sometimes everybody fails. But that doesn't define who we are. What defines us is what we do after we fail. This next semester my goal is to get As and A-s, but if I don't I will know that I tried my best- and that is all anyone can ever ask for.


1 comment:

  1. Anne!
    I love this. This is such an important lesson that we all need to learn: who we are and what defines us. Success and hard work define a part of you. Now that you know that you have something to focus and push you. Now that you understand that you know where some of your motivations come from and can come to a deeper level of identity.
    Thanks for sharing this and THANKS FOR POSTING!
